After living in China for some years, one thing I can say for sure is that Chinese food is on another level — especially in the south, where I spent most of my time. I’ve always been a foodie, but some of the dishes I tried there genuinely changed my life (and my stomach forever).
Here’s a little list of my all-time favourite Chinese food — the ones I could literally eat every single day without ever getting tired of them. Nothing fancy, just simple, delicious food that made me fall in love with Chinese cuisine.
- 红米虾肠 (Red Rice Shrimp Rice Rolls)
Let me tell you something: this is hands down my NUMBER ONE favourite Chinese dish of all time. I discovered it in Guangzhou and I honestly think I could eat 100 of these in one sitting without even blinking (probably and exaggeration).
It’s basically super thin rice rolls made with red rice flour, stuffed with shrimp inside, and covered in soy sauce. The texture is soft, a little chewy, and the shrimp inside is just… perfection. If you ever go to Guangzhou, this is a MUST TRY.

- 肠粉 (Cheong Fun – Rice Noodle Rolls)
This was literally my everyday breakfast during high school in China. There used to be this small shop just outside my school — nothing fancy, just a tiny stall with plastic tables — but they made the best 肠粉 ever for like 8 yuan (1 euro). It’s basically soft rice rolls filled with egg, meat, or vegetables, topped with soy sauce. Super simple but honestly one of the tastiest things I’ve ever had in my life.
I still remember waking up early just to have this before school. If you ever try it, make sure to eat it fresh, straight out of the steamer.

- Fried Rice / Fried Noodles
Okay, I know this one sounds basic — but trust me, street food fried rice or noodles in China hit different.
Outside my university, there used to be these little vendors with their carts walking around, carrying a whole wok on their bikes, cooking fried rice or noodles on the spot for just 10 yuan. They would literally cook everything in front of you in 2 minutes and it would taste like heaven. Simple, cheap, and absolutely delicious.

- Dumplings (饺子)
Dumplings are just a whole love story for me.
During high school, there was this little outdoor stand where they steamed dumplings in those huge wooden baskets stacked on top of each other. My go-to order was always the meat and corn dumplings — they would serve them in a little plastic bag with wooden chopsticks and a bit of soy sauce on the side. The whole meal would cost like 7 yuan — plus a milk tea on the side and I was the happiest girl in the world.

- Egg Tarts (蛋挞)
Okay, this one technically comes from Macau, but you can find them everywhere in Guangdong.
It’s basically a small pastry with a crunchy crust and a super soft, sweet egg custard inside. The mix of crunchy and creamy is honestly one of the best things I’ve ever tasted in my life.

Honestly, Chinese food made me realize that the best meals are often the simplest ones.
It’s not about fancy restaurants — it’s about those little hidden stalls in the corner of the street that serve food with love and tradition. And most of the time, for less than 10 yuan.
If you ever go to China, forget about what you see on TikTok or in tourist guides — the best food is always where you least expect it.